

% out of area members

Percentage of members outside of headquartered city/state


Advocacy/Care Navigation platform that some employers use


National Medical network and carrier

Annual Medical Spend

Total medical claims spend per year


National Medical network and carrier

Anthem JAA Platform

Anthem national network with blue card


Anthem MCS

Anthem’s California only network

Blue Card

BlueCard gives you access to the Anthem network across the nation by uniting Anthem’s network with those of other Blue Cross and Blue Shield licensed companies

Blue Shield

National Medical network and carrier



A BUCA carrier (Blue Cross & Blue Shield, UnitedHealth Group, Cigna, Aetna)


Carrier Direct

When an employer is has direct/bundled insurance through a national carrier (i.e. Anthem, Cigna, Aetna, UHC)


National Medical network and carrier

Employee Advocacy/Navigation

A solution that brings all of your benefits into one place and provides high touch concierge service. (i.e. Rightway, Accolade, Quantum, HealthJoy)

Employees on Medical Plan

Number of employees enrolled in medical benefits plan that will be administered

First Health

Regional narrow network and wrap network

Fully Funded

Type of insurance funding for an employer


The way your medical plan id funded (i.e. Fully Insured or Self-Funded)

Health Management

Population management services insurance companies/TPA offer to help mitigate cost (i.e. Disease Management, Cancer Awareness, Mommies 2B, Case Management)


Advocacy/Care Navigation platform that some employers use


Regional narrow network and wrap network

In Area Medical Spend

Total medical spend in geographic location where employer is headquartered



Employer's headquarters


Out of Area Medical Spend

Medical spend outside of geographic location of employers Headquartered city/state

Out of Network

Claims for members that go to a non-network provider (i.e. member has Anthem Network and goes to a physician/Hospital that is not contracted with Anthem)

Pharmacy Benefits Manager

Employers Prescription Drug Benefits Manager


Regional narrow network

Primary Medical Network

The employer's primary medical network for their members (i.e. Anthem, Blue Shield, Aetna, Cigna, UHC)



Advocacy/Care Navigation platform that some employers use

Reference Based Pricing

A type of arrangement where you don’t have a medical network to maximize savings.  All claims are paid at a percentage of Medicare and members can go anywhere for care.


Advocacy/Care Navigation platform that some employers use


Type of insurance funding for an employer


Third Party Administrator



United Healthcare - National Medical network and carrier